Nurse's Office


Christy Roberts, RN


View District Forms & Health Information 

Welcome to the Health Office at Helen Edwards Early Childhood Center. My role as your School Nurse is to promote and ensure a healthy school environment.

Please make sure health forms are updated in the Health Office each year. Students with Chronic illnesses or allergy should have a health plan with the school nurse provided by the health care provider each new school year and signed by parent/guardian.

Medications are to be stored and dispensed from the Health Office by trained personnel with proper forms on file. Medications such as Asthma/Allergy/Diabetes medications may be kept on the student and self-administered if proper documentation is provided by the parent and health care provider. Medication should be brought to and picked up by parent/guardian.

Students that have symptoms of illness should remain home until fever free for 24hours. If you are unsure if your child should attend class please notify the Main Office.

Students attending Texas public schools are required to have updated immunizations or an exemption on file. Please make sure to have an updated immunization record.

I look forward to a great year as your School Nurse.